Unit of measure conversions sure can solve a challenge for businesses that buy and sell their products in different units. If your current medical product supplier sells diapers that are in cases of 100, and you need 200 diapers, your purchase order will need to show a quantity of 2, not 200. However, you may need to sell them individually, so you will need a quantity of 1 when it comes to your sales invoice that will represent 1 individual unit sold and not show 1 full case sold. With the right stocking unit of measure conversion feature (UoM) it will allow you to take on this type of challenge that can avoid inventory management mistakes and miscommunications.  Stocking UoM Conversion Solutions

With Curasev’s Stocking UOM Conversion solution, you can help your business get specific with your inventory levels. You will have the ability to digitally and automatically communicate to your warehouse with how a product will be coming in by showing if it is a case or box and then be able to ensure that the customer making the purchase will not get the wrong quantity with their orders or invoices. The last thing you need is an inventory mistake that sends a full box of 100 medical products when all that was intended to purchase was 1 individual medical product. Having the right inventory management technology that lets you break down and convert 1 case of 100 into 10 boxes of 10 that can break down into 1 individual package can save you from huge inventory challenges that many HME and DME providers face.  

Using a Stocking UOM Conversion solution will be able to reflect how you track a medical product in your inventory system. This allows the way that you manage inventory to relate to your products in the way they’re intended to be purchased, without any inventory numbers getting lost in translation when a medical product moves from your warehouse to the customer. 

Why track multiple units of measurement UOM?  

There are a lot of reasons you might need to break a product out into multiple units of measurement. You might receive items like eyeglasses in cases or boxes but store them on the shelves as pairs. So it is key to make sure you know how many eyeglasses come in a case / box, and you need to have an inventory system that can recognize that not all cases / boxes are the same and can identify and recognize to breakdown a case / box into an individual quantity.   

Track units of measurement automatically with the right Stocking UOM Conversion Solution 

There comes a point where you’ll have too many products in your warehouse to keep up to date, and it can be easier to make mistakes when everything is manual and does not automate. You’ll want to have access to inventory management software that is built around your business and unique inventory levels to avoid inventory mistakes and purchasing mishaps.   

Curasev can help by connecting UOM to each medical product and using each UoM where appropriate. Once implemented you won’t have to manually keep updating a specific product in your inventory that requires a UoM when purchasing from a vendor. A technology like Curasev’s Stocking UOM Conversion solution will already know that they deal in cases / boxes — and how many products are in each case / box. 

With our inventory management software, you’ll be able to see case / boxes on purchase orders and individual quantities when you’re counting or selling stock. It will provide the right inventory with the correct price and cost associated with each product that you stock.  

Need to know more about how Curasev can provide the right Stocking UOM Conversion and Home Health Software Solutions? No problem! Visit our website or schedule a demo to see how we offer revolutionary software that includeintake management, inventory, delivery management, analytic and revenue cycle management and discover the difference when it comes to making care complete.

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