Revenue Cycle Management Dashboard
Get paid what you deserve

HME DME Billing Software

Lower average DSO, increase collections per claim and increase your clean claim submission rate with tools and dashboards to manage everything from charges to collections.




Charge Review

Review charges confirming all the necessary documentation is properly logged, and all vital information is on the claim before submission.

Claim Scrubbing

Curasev has the intelligence to arm you with the tools necessary to improve coding compliance, increase clean claim submissions, and reduce re-bills.

Approve Charges

Charges are reviewed by the defined system rules and will highlight parts of the claim with errors and warnings that need attention before submission.

Hold Management

Place claims that have pending documents or further authorizations on hold and set a reminder when to follow up.

Claim Processing

Submit claims to the clearinghouse and track every step the claim takes to payer remittance.
Filter out attention-seeking claims such as payer rejections or denials.

Batch Submission

Create paper and electronic batch submissions by account type, payer level, and other filters.
After submission, immediately know which claims are problematic and need to be fixed.

Claim Tracking

Follow a claims path from validation to transmission to acknowledgment and finally to payment.
Know what the status of your claim is at all times, keeping track of ones that need follow-ups.

Denial Monitoring

Track and consolidate all denied claims and setup tasks to be assigned to the staff, such as insurance follow-ups, appeal forms, and supporting documentation.

Resubmit Claim

Directly resubmit claims after correcting issues from within the Curasev system.
After resubmission, immediately get the status of whether the claim was validated properly or not.


It’s no secret that reimbursements in the home health industry are in serious decline.
That’s why it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re not leaving any money on the table and collect what you deserve.

Posting & Allocation

Automatically post all incoming ERNs from the clearinghouse and allocate payments, adjustments, balance transfers, and write-offs.

AR Management

Track average DSO and find out which claims are taking longer than usual for payment and create follow-ups accordingly.
Calculate outstanding patient balance and send patient statements accordingly.


View claim adjudication information sent by the payer on why a particular claim was paid fully, paid partially, or denied.
Set custom rules based on adjustment codes and code groups.

Follow Ups

Keep your team working on the right claim at the right time by auto-creating tasks based on custom rules defined.
Set due dates for tasks to keep your team reminded and accountable for making deadlines.

See Curasev in Action and Experience the Difference

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