Does your DME business have products that need to be resupplied on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? For example, patients with a CPAP machine typically need a resupply of products that work with the machine every couple of months, such as tubing, face mask, headgear, disposable filters, and so on. The tubing and face mask needs to be resupplied once every three months, the headgear needs to be resupplied once every 6 months, and
Interested in learning about home health solutions? Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we’re here to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and guidance on what home medical equipment entails. Curasev provides you with complete assistance to source home medical equipment with complete safety to your customers. Before this, let’s dive into what home medical equipment actually is and why we need it? Figure 1 Home Medical Equipment   What does HME or DME mean?
Tired of having to manually input information into all your forms? Curasev offers a variety of customized forms that automatically pull the data from your patient, delivery, and sales information. Gone are the times where you had to have the form that you wanted side by side with the information that you needed to input. Now you can overlay your data straight from the information provided within our system. Creating forms is very slow and
Were you there at Medtrade West in Phoenix? We were there. It was certainly invaluable to catch up on the latest happenings in the HME/DME industry. It was great to get back to business as usual! Medtrade is designed to give today’s providers the highest quality educational, networking opportunities and the largest selection of HME/DME products and services under one roof. Overall, there seemed to be a consistent theme throughout the event. Many providers were
Technology has had constant growth throughout all of our lives and allows us to live much safer, more efficient, and more convenient lives. There is no end to the convenience of the newest inventions and their healthcare system benefits. The pandemic forced us to adopt new forms of technology for us to live safer and more comfortably. With the adoption of technology like: Zoom calls with physicians Medication dispensing Wearable technology that monitors our health