Form Management

Curasev provides an intuitive management system that allows for customized forms in order to save time and maximize efficiency.

Form Management

Have the ability to create customized forms that populate your data automatically!

Data Overlay

Easily have the data overlay onto the form of your selection. The data will be pulled straight from the sales order or intake.

Dynamic Values

Add dynamic values to your forms. Decide which dynamic value you would like to place on each form and have it automatically be used. 

Branded Forms

Easily add your branded logo to all of your forms to give your business a much more professional look and are easily identifiable!

Form Types

Easily associate the type of form that you need with the filled-out information.


View the types of forms that we offer below!

CMN and ABN Forms

Curasev offers the ability to automatically populate CMN and ABN forms based on the sales order.
Automatically add all of the branch, patient, doctor, and equipment information.


Have all of the information that was filled out by your patients added directly to your delivery forms.
All of your patient information, such as billing address, delivery address, notes, and the product order will be automatically added to your delivery forms.

Patient Assessment

Have the patient assessment information automatically populate onto a form. This will allow you to easily view all of your patient’s history.

See Curasev in Action and Experience the Difference

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