Fleet management can be a challenging task when it comes to your HME and DME business. As your business and demands grow, so does your fleet and the amount of deliveries that you need to make each day to customers. Every time that your fleet makes a delivery it costs you money and affects your overall profitability. Auditing your process and implementing ways to streamline workflow is crucial to enhancing your fleet management efforts. Here are some factors and solutions to consider that can affect your HME and DME business.  fleet management

Avoid Time Consuming Fleet Management Tasks  

Time is money and when you’re unable to manage your fleet properly it can lead to longer shipping times and less deliveries each day. You want to maximize each driver’s day and strategically create an efficient route that gets your home medical supplies delivered at the times they are expected. The products that you deliver are essential to improving your customers’ health and when a product that they rely on does not show up with the speed and service they expect, it can lead to a negative impact. Using an app that integrates with your inventory and driver routes will help you save time and become more productive. Easily calculate a driver’s route and view where they are in real time with the ability to track which orders have been completed when it comes to their scheduled deliveries. The Curapro app allows you to capture an eSignature that will confirm that the order is complete and has been delivered successfully. By embracing technology that offers the ability to schedule, order, sign and notify you’re saving time and delivering a better experience for customers who need the medical supplies that you provide. Nobody wants to spend the day mapping out each of their driver’s routes and when you have the capabilities to easily view and control your fleet in one place, it provides the perfect solution to save time and let you focus on more important tasks.  

Improve Driver Retention with Balanced Routes

Are you losing drivers due to poor fleet management? It could be the leading cause to a high turnover rate in your company. Long days, unbalanced routes and inefficient processes can lead to negative morale and unfilled drivers’ seats that can create delivery challenges. Improving driver retention is crucial when it comes to fleet management. Driver positions can be very hard to fill with the recent trend of driver shortages. When the driver’s experience is negative it can lead to high turnover which means that you need to rehire and retrain new drivers often.When turnover is high it can take you away from your daily responsibilities that could have been allotted towards more important tasks that you need to take responsibility on. Also, factoring in that new drivers usually means slower deliveries with an increase in delivery errors while they get comfortable and experienced in their new roles. Having the right delivery management solutions in place helps reduce driver turnover with the ability to create streamlined routes and a balanced workload that creates a great work environment. Curasev’s delivery portal will easily provide controlled schedules and routes avoiding an unbalanced workload that can burn your drivers out with long days and unproductive processes 

Cutting Delivery Costs Down with Efficiency  

Fleet Management Calculation

You need to consider costly factors that include driver time, fuel and truck maintenance costs that come into play every time you make a delivery. When scheduling drivers and creating daily delivery schedules, it’s important to maximize each route and pinpoint deliveries that are nearby to maximize their production and cut down costs making you more profitable. Having a driver go 10 miles out of their way to make a delivery while another one of your drivers is already in the area can lead to an inefficient delivery process. Think about it. If the cost of fuel is about .15 cents per mile and you are wasting a total of 10 miles it will cost you an additional $1.50 to deliver a product. And that’s just one delivery. Just imagine if this happens twice a day per driver for the whole year. Plus, factoring in the added time that you are paying them to deliver will also cut into your margins hurting your profitability. Having the ability to view and manage each driver’s route and delivery locations allows you to make smart decisions that improve your day to day requests and demands. With Curasev’s delivery management solutions you’ll be able to cut these delivery cost challenges down and discover a more profitable delivery process that removes unneeded expenses.  

The role of a fleet manager is constantly changing with the use of technology that requires the right home health software. Let Curasev be there for you every step of the way when it comes to a profitable EMR. Uncover our HME and DME software solutions that provide intakeinventory, delivery and revenue cycle management. Check out our website or schedule a demo to learn more.  

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